10 March 2025


I see the moon from here. 
Blue Moon

BO at work. 
117/76. Pulse 68. 

No sleep apnea,
No prescription medication. 

Except for this nightly 
“Tonic” for  CATaracts, 
And cat scans. 

Jamie Lee Curtis 
No make up live today. 

09 March 2025

long week

Barely had any. 
Too cold outside yet. 

Went to get my morning dose
And the area behind the 
Counter was empty at 7-11. 
I waited for like 10 minutes. 
Turns out the guy was on the bathroom! 
And gave me my drink for free 
Since I waited. 😎

A date.
30 grams of carb. 
Sweet pure junk. 

Alpha GPC 
Does it cancel out the effects of 

Hotel Art

What did the Rat
Say to the Bat?

08 March 2025

yukky day

Spring Showers 
Bring May Flowers 
I love rain. I was making up excuses 
To miss work and stay home
To enjoy the rain. 

I need the money to invest
While the market is down. 
… so I go to work. 

I take difficult cases. 
Munchhausen by Proxy. 
Extreme Child Abuse 
With SubDural Hematoma. 
Rare rare diseases 
Like with only 10 people 
On earth having it. 
Not easy cases. 

Now that I knock myself out for sleep. 
Anticholinergic and magnesium,
Delta 9 THC from Hemp (legal) 

Getting ready to swap rooms. 
Found this old Army Keychain 
In an old drawer. M16 ordinance. 
Look at how much powder the bullet has
And how light (by contrast) 
the actual projectile is. 

And my old college lunch pass
My wee ass was 17. 
And self-emancipated. 

They said I needed my mothers permission 
To be emancipated. I asked if they
Even knew what that word means. 

Ahhh yes. I thought this day
Was memorable. 
I’ve been on Atkins 
For 16 years! 
Since 3/2009. 
Also 16 years of blogging. 

The Emperor has on 
From the news. 

From the French Senate 
Claude Malhuret’s cautionary tale. 

Dyed my hair and chopped off 
Some bangs until I can get to the 
“Beauty Shop” or Barber.